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REISHI/Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the most appreciated medications of traditional Chinese medicine. At the focus of interest of modern science are primarily the polysaccharides and antioxidants, that were proven to be present in high concentrations in Reishi. Reishi also contains substantial amounts of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements...
REISHI (Ganoderma lucidum), the Chinese name Ling zhi (magic plant), grows in forests where it grows on trunks or stumps of deciduous trees (oak, walnut, sycamore, poplar) from May to October, is a real star among medicinal mushrooms.
It has been used as a medicine in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years and is a symbol of longevity, good health and immortality. It is therefore popularly called the "Mushroom of Happiness".
It has the most active substances of all fungi, especially glucans, immunoproteins, triterpenoids and nucleosides.
Reishi is excellent for calming the psyche, for treating general exhaustion, for fatigue and insomnia, for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, for mental problems and stress, for psychosis and depression.
It increases concentration, strengthens brain activity and kidneys, and is also used for reduced sexual performance.
It helps with cough, treatment of asthma and bronchitis, improves digestion, anorexia and treatment of jaundice.
It has anti-inflammatory properties and supports mainly the function of the liver, stomach, improves the condition of veins and blood vessels and has the effect of lowering the fat content and cholesterol levels in the blood. However, it has no side effects as anti-inflammatory substances of a hormonal nature - corticoids.
Reishi contains a large amount of organically bound germanium, which increases blood oxygen up to 1.5 times and acts as a strong immunostimulant.
It is also used as a supportive treatment for oncological diseases.
Taking Reishi extract is a suitable remedy for high blood pressure, prevents thrombogenesis and dissolves blood clots. Triterpenoids also help protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis by preventing platelet aggregation.
Reishi supports hematopoiesis, strengthens the immune system and digestive tract. It has not only detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects, but also antiviral and antibacterial effects, especially in infections caused by bacilli of the genus Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus pneumoniae. The effect of Reishi against the HIV virus is very interesting. Even though Reishi is a fungus, it has anti-allergic and antifungal effects, thanks to which it can playfully deal with mycoses.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Reishi was widely used to treat the following diseases: hepatopathy, chronic hepatitis, inflammation of the kidneys, high blood pressure, arthritis, neurasthenia, insomnia, bronchitis, asthma and stomach ulcers.
Reishi has been shown to improve adrenocortical function (of the adrenal glands), so it can help fight stress and mental weakness or illness. It strengthens the bone marrow, hematopoiesis and supports the renewal of blood cells. Reishi extracts have also been shown to be highly effective in alleviating altitude sickness and also, very interestingly, in the treatment of such a serious disease as myotonia dystrophica.
Reishi has been very effective in the treatment of lung and heart disease. During clinical trials, 2000 patients with chronic bronchitis were given Reishi extract. After 2 weeks, up to 90% of patients showed improvement in health.
Anti-Aging An old Chinese text from 500 AD advised the elderly to use Reishi to refresh memory, increase orientation and concentration. We already know that this is due to the effect of the fungus on the regulation of metabolism, increased protein production in the blood plasma and bone marrow, which prevents aging.
REISHI mushroom contains a number of vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, germanium) and also the most active polysaccharides.
Ingredients: Polysaccharides, amino acids, micro (zinc, copper, silver, iron, ...) and macroelements. Vitamins (B1, B2, A, E, C) fatty acids and beta-glucans
Betaglucan contained in Reishi is a unique, natural, complex polysaccharide, able to support the body's defense reactions against bacteria and parasites. It activates macrophages to remove cells damaged by radiation, acts as a powerful antioxidant that removes all harmful substances from the body. Ensures perfect detoxification of the body. Betaglucan further improves hematopoiesis, lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar levels. It improves regeneration and produces antibodies targeted to tumor cells.
Triterpenes treat liver failure, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and suppress the release of histamine (anti-allergic effect).
Polysaccharides have antitumor effects, support immunity and increase resistance to stress.
Detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, immunostimulatory, antiallergic, antifungal, antitumor.
Per oral use heals and helps with these diseases and troubles:
For all these qualities it is called the "source of youth"
The extract form is for therapeutic purposes best and most widely used worldwide.
The extract is about 20 times more concentrated than dried mushroom powder and therefore its effect is much more effective.
The product does not contain ephedrine, caffeine, gluten, preservatives, dyes or sugar, but is not intended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and nursing women.
REMEMBER: Tell all your health care providers about any complementary health practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.