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Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) - astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-diarrhea. Increases the secretion of bile and helps to excrete urine. Decoction is drunk as a cure in all the breast and lung diseases....
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Binomial nameAgrimonia eupatoria Commonly called (often known as)Common agrimony, Church steeples or Sticklewort StorageStore in a dry place at a temperature up to 25°C |
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) has been a well-known medicinal plant since ancient Greece. Due to its astringent effects and especially its high content of medicinal substances, it is one of our best medicinal plants.
Folk wisdom says: "Three times a day, one cup of tea cures dilation of the heart, stomach, intestines and emphysema, and after prolonged use, kidney and bladder diseases."
Agrimony grows on dry meadows, slopes and along roads. For medicinal purposes, his stem is collected, which smells pleasant and tastes bitter.
Agrimony has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and diarrhea effect. It increases secretion, bile secretion and helps to excrete urine.
It helps to treat catarrh of the stomach, gallbladder problems, it is used as a gargle for sore throats, it is also added to relaxing baths.
The following are beneficial effects against some bacteria. Tannins together with flavonoids and essential oil have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.
It is also used against flatulence and urinary ailments. Decoction is drunk as a remedy for all breast and lung ailments, catarrh or as a gargle for sore throat and chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
It is recommended as an adjunct to treatment for diarrhea, mucositis, urinary retention disorders, inflammation of the bladder, chronic inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.
Tea (infusion) sweetened with honey is used at:
Unsweetened tea is used during:
Externally to the tiles at:
To gargle at:
People who feed on vocal cords (moderators, singers, etc.) should gargle Agrimony:
Boil 2 handfuls of dried Agrimony in 1 liter of water until the water boils to a third. We strain and use.
Ointment - for varicose veins and shin ulcers.
Baths - for skin diseases. Everyone should take a Agrimony bath at least once a year to improve the overall body.
Children who have inflammation of the cervical nodes should bathe every day.
Agrimony affects not only humans but also animals.
Two days before the dog's 10th birthday, the train ran over the right front paw, the bone was completely shattered and looked out. MVDr. Fiala had to amputate it above his joint. Dick had his paw tied for three days, and when the bandage was changed, the doctor said he didn't like it at all, if the infection still got there, there would be nothing left but killing. However, he remembered an incident from his medical practice, when a patient applied strong rapeseed compresses to his leg after amputation. Therefore, he recommended this method to us. In the morning we prepared strong rapeseed tea (a handful of stems per 1 l of water) and three times a day we immersed the stump in the infusion for five minutes, we also rubbed the wounds with calendula ointment and tied them again. In the next three days, the dog's skin began to regenerate and the wound healed. In 14 days, a satisfied doctor took out the stitches. After a month, the paw was nicely healed and the new pink skin covered all the former wounds. Now we performed "rapeseed bark" only once a day. After two months, he no longer had to wear a bandage, and a hard skin resembling a pillow, the same as on the other limbs, formed on the paw where he had begun to walk. The doctor looked at everything in disbelief and admitted that he had seen everything in black and just didn't want to take away our hope. He recorded this healing success in his book. Dick quickly learned to jump in threes, and when he sniffed messages from friends, he "walks" on all fours.
Stanislav Korbel
Tannins, bitters, essential oils, flavone dyes, phytocides, silicic acid, vitamin C and nicotinic acid silicinamide, iron, choline and small amounts of saponins.
Astringent, anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant.
OINTMENT - for the treatment of varicose veins and shin ulcers, Agrimony ointment is recommended, which has similar effects as ointment from Marigold.
Ointment preparation: Two handfuls of finely chopped dried Agrimony on 250 g lard. Stir in the hot lard and let it simmer briefly. Remove from the heat, cover and allow to cool overnight. The next day, heat slightly, strain through a linen cloth and fill the still warm ointment into cups.
Preparation: Boil 200 g of herb in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes, then drain and pour into the bath.
It has no side effects.
REMEMBER: Tell all your health care providers about any complementary health practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.